Become a Sponsor

Enhance Your Tech Team with BUiLT

Becoming a BUiLT sponsor isn’t just a good thing to do, it’s also good for your business. As a professional focused non-profit, we strive to give our sponsors a clear value proposition for supporting our cause. Let’s work together to advance the next generation of skilled tech professionals.

Benefits of BUiLT Sponsorship

Recruit Employees

Communicate directly with our network of top technical talents

Retain Employees

Maintain engagement by offering valuable programs to your best employees 

Train Your Leaders

Education your senior management on how to support & retain employees

Join The Movement

Support the growing movement to train and educate the next generation of tech experts

Invest In The Future

Develop a direct pipeline of skilled & talented techs for your organization

Provide Opportunities

Aid in the creation of scholarships and mentorships for the next generation of techs

Previous BUiLT Sponsors

BUiLT Sponsorship Options

As a 501(c)3, BUiLT relies heavily on the support from our sponsors to aid in our efforts to educate and empower Black tech professionals. To simplify the process for all those who want to support us, we offer a array of sponsorship options.

BUiLT hosts a multitude of events throughout the year. These can be online or in-person and include things like certificate courses, speakers series, networking opportunities, and more.

Event Sponsors are given the opportunity to speak directly to attendees about their business. They also get a chance to network with attendees before and after events. It is a good way yo make real connections with highly skilled tech professionals.

Sponsorship Pricing

Event Sponsorship* Sponsorship Tiers
Bronze Silver Gold Diamond Platinum
$3,000 $5,500 $7,500 $9,000 $10,000
Number of Events** 1 2 3 4 5

*Active BUiLT Technology Owner members get a 50% discount on all event sponsorships

**All event sponsorships are backed by an engagement guarantee unique to each sponsorship. If the event attendance does not meet the agreed upon level (either measured in RSVPs or  in-person participants) then the sponsor will be able to present at a future event for no extra charge.

BUiLT hosts two or more symposiums each year. Each symposium is put on by the chapter of the city the event is hosted in and includes multiple days of events. Attendees of symposiums get to listen to great speakers, attended various educational lectures, and network with each other.

Symposium Sponsors are given their own booth at the event, a private event slot to speak to attendees, opportunities to speak during other symposium events, and more. We attract nonprofits, Employee Resource Groups, entrepreneurs, corporations, and government entities that promote our community in all that they do. This is a great opportunity to stand out and showcase your organization’s talents.

Sponsorship Pricing

Symposium Sponsorship* Sponsorship Tiers
Bronze Silver Gold Diamond Platinum
$3,500 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $15,000
Private In-person Event
Expo 1 day 2 day 3 day 3 day 3 day
Booth Size Small Small Medium Large Large
Speaking Events 1 2 2 2 2
Opening Welcome Team
Day 1 Keynote

*Minimum guaranteed engagement of 400 attendees

BUiLT has an ever expanding network of chapters. Each chapter connects with local tech professionals in their area. They also host events and manage programs specifically tailored to the needs of their local members.

Chapter Sponsors are able to work closely with local chapters to speak directly to tech professional in the area. They can speak at local chapter events, be recognized as chapter sponsors at most chapter events, post free jobs on the BUiLT jobs board, discounts on event sponsorships outside of the chapter, and more.

Sponsorship Pricing

Chapter Sponsorship* Sponsorship Tiers
Bronze Silver Gold Diamond Platinum
$2,000 $6,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000
Event Sponsorship Discount 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Listed as a Chapter Sponsor
Recognized at Chapter Events
Included in Mentorship Program
Available Yearly Speaking Opporunities 2 3 4 6 8
Available Free Monthly Job Posts 1 2 3

*Minimum guaranteed engagement of 1,000 members

As an international orgaization, BUiLT has an ever-expanding reach with endless goals. We are consistently onboarding new chapters, developing new programs, increasing our membership, and more

International Sponsors support BUiLT as a whole and receive benefits that reflect the broad scope of their investment. These include free BUiLT memberships, free symposium sponsorships, international speaking opportunities, and more. This level of sponsorship is the best way to show support for BULT’s cause.

Sponsorship Pricing

International Sponsorship* Sponsorship Tiers
Bronze Silver Gold Diamond Platinum
$25,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $200,000
Included in Mentorship Program
Listed as a Sponsor on the BUiLT Website
Free BUiLT Memberships 20 40 60 80 100
Free Monthly Social Media Promotions 1 2 3
Free Monthly Job Posts 4 8 15
Free Yearly Speaking opportunities 2 3 4 6 8
Free Yearly Symposium Sponsorships 1 (Bronze) 1 (Silver) 2 (Gold) 2 (Diamond) 2 (Platinum)
% of Sponsorshp Dedicated to Scholarships 10% 20%
Co-branding Training Events

*Minimum guaranteed engagement of 10,000 members

Active Sponsorship Opportunities

Want to know more about becoming a BUiLT Sponsor?

Take the next step by scheduling a time to meet with our Sponsorship team!